GitHub's Tunisian Community Podcast Episode 04: Single Threaded (JavaScript) with Burawi Ben Ammar
In this episode, we had a fantastic time at the talk by Burawi Ben Ammar on the versatility of JavaScript. The discussion covered various topics, from the common pitfalls for newcomers to job offers. Burawi shared valuable insights on his code review and testing approach in large-scale projects.
141 words
1 minutes
Let’s settle things out [2]: NPM Vs. YARN Vs. PNPM
Last year I wrote an article to compare NPM and Yarn, and since then I always used yarn as my main package manager but lately, I saw some hype over a new package manager called PNPM and I think it has a promising future.
923 words
5 minutes
How to deal with imposter syndrome as a developer
Whether you’ve just begun your journey to learn how to code or you’ve been paid to code for many years, you can and (likely) will face imposter syndrome.
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4 minutes
GitHub's Tunisian Community Podcast Episode 03: Transitioning to technology with Abderraouf Ghrissi
In this episode, we talked with Abderraouf Ghrissi, founder of CodingBeTounsi. We talked about the possible ways of transitioning to the tech industry while sharing real-life experiences and some of his opinions about boot camps, the added value of the university experience, and perseverance in the learning process.
141 words
1 minutes
Let's talk about being a "jack of all trades, master of none"​ in software development
“Jack of all trades, master of none” is an idiom becoming pervasive in software development, especially in the early years of a developer’s career. The idea goes that a developer who dabbles in everything cannot be amazing at anything.
971 words
5 minutes