Time to escape tutorial Hell
Tutorial hell is referred to as a time in your new developer journey where you are watching tutorials, able to follow along, and replicate what the instructor is doing and it works. There is nothing wrong with that, the real problem begins when you try what you’ve learned without the tutorial and you don’t know 1% of how to do it.
462 words
2 minutes
How blogging will make you a better developer
When you hear the word “blogging” you might be thinking something like “That’s so old, no one reads blogs anymore!”.
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2 minutes
Why we should go back to problem-solving
Problem-solving is valued highly in our economy and is something evaluated in schools, universities, and the workplace. Employers hope that every recruit brings a fresh perspective to old ‘problems’, or challenges, that their business faces.
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3 minutes
I've learned React (after being in love with Vue)
These days, a new trending front-end framework is released every now and then. But React and Vue.js still stands as the most popular among all the other alternatives. And although both are performant, elegant, and arguably easy to learn, they have some different opinions on how certain things should be done, and different ways of achieving the same end result. I believe getting comfortable and efficient with a frontend framework is mostly about learning the patterns of doing regular stuff.
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4 minutes
Let's settle things out: NPM vs Yarn
Yarn and NPM are two of the most popular Node.js package managers. They allow downloading, installing, and managing packages when developing in JavaScript.
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5 minutes