Spirited Away - Studio Ghibli
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Bootstrap: still the best?
Is Bootstrap dead in 2021? It’s a question on many frontend web developers’ minds. And with hot new CSS frameworks popping up on the regular, Bootstrap may seem decreasingly relevant.
281 words
1 minutes
GitHub's Tunisian Community Podcast Episode 01: Data science with Elyes Manai
In this episode, we had the chance to meet Elyes Manai a Google Expert in ML, and discuss his experience in the field.
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1 minutes
Vite.js or How I Become the fastest programmer alive
Created by Evan You (also the creator of Vue.js), Vite is a build tool that significantly improves the front-end development experience. You can use Vite to set up a development environment for frameworks like Vue and React, and even for a vanilla JavaScript app with a dev server and hot reloading in just three commands. FYI: Vite is a french word that means “fast”.
420 words
2 minutes
Why you should try Vue.js ? (as a beginner)
Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces.
398 words
2 minutes